01.10.2024 Listen to the (real) experts: The Role of Scientists on Social Media in Crises Poster presentation by Eva Rudholzer - Social Media and Science Communication - Do Users Confuse the Roles of Senders?
The DFG-Project 'Science Communication during Pandemics and the Role of Public Engagement' ('SCan') focused on science communication during the Covid-19 pandemic. The following questions were investigated using an interdisciplinary approach:
  • What and how do scientific experts communicate on social media?
  • What kind of comments and reactions did their communication trigger and what effect did it have?
  • To what extent can people on social media distinguish between real and apparent experts?
Besides the presentations of the project's research findings and a poster session, the closing event included a discussion with German virologists Christian Drosten and Melanie Brinkmann. Eva Rudholzer presented the results from her first online experiment in the poster session, which focused on whether social media users confuse the roles of different senders talking about science.

Eva Rudholzer at the SCan closing event Discussion between Dr. Christian Drosten and Melanie Brinkmann
03.06 - 04.06.2024 Spring Meeting Working group Democracy, DeGEval in cooperation with the project PrEval Zukunfswerkstätten Talk by Dr.Dimitar Dimitrov - AI methods for detecting and understanding scientific/health online discourse
The conference focused on the questions whether AI can support the promotion of democracy and how it can be used for its evaluation. Main goal of the meeting was to carve out which new opportunities AI offers for evaluation and democracy while taking the possible risks into account.

13.05 - 17.05.2024: Beyond Facts 2024 Co-Chairs: Prof. Dr. Stefan Dietze, Dr.Dimitar Dimitrov, Singapore, collocated with The Web Conference 2024
Computational methods working on online discourse require an interdisciplinary approach combining research fields like communication studies, social science, computational linguistics and computer science. The Beyond Facts workshop intends to strengthen the exchange and relation between these fields, while providing a forum for discussing the modeling, extraction and analysis of online discourse.

Stefan Dietze at the Beyond Facts Workshop Dimitar Dimitrov at the Beyond Facts Workshop